Established in 1962, The Walworth Seely Public library is committed to connecting people with information and promoting the love of reading within the community. To qualify for appointment to the Library Board of Trustees, a candidate must be 18 or older and a Walworth resident. Candidates should indicate commitment to carry out the duties of a library trustee, attend all meetings, and be a vocal advocate for libraries. Interested persons should have a flexible work/personal schedule in order to attend budget hearings, meetings, and other activities on behalf of the library.
The Library Board of Trustees operates under New York State Education Law. Trustees are appointed for five-year terms and receives no payment for his/her service. A trustee may be reappointed for a second term. The responsibilities of a trustee include: establish and operate the library, set library policy, employ a director, advise in the preparation and approval of the budget, oversee the spending of funds, adopt rules and regulations for use of the library.
Applications can be returned to the library's circulation desk, emailed to: or mailed to The Library Board of Trustees Nominating Committee of the Walworth-Seely Public Library,
3600 Lorraine Drive, Walworth, NY 14568
The Walworth-Seely Public Library accepts applications for Trustee positions year round.
Applications are kept on file for six months, when an opening occurs, applicants will be contacted.
If you are interested, please pick up an application at the library desk or download one by CLICKING HERE.
2025 Board Meeting Minutes
A draft of the monthly Library Board Meeting Minutes is available at the library circulation desk within 3 days after the board meeting takes place. After the monthly minutes are approved at the following board meeting, they will be posted online within 3 days.