Tech in the Library

Public Computers
The Walworth Library has 8 public computers to be used on a "first arrive first to use" basis. Computer users agree to our Internet Use Policy. When we get busy we do ask guests to limit their time to one hour so everyone has an opportunity to use the computers.
​Laptops are also available for in-house use upon request.
Library Wi-Fi
The library now offers free Wi-Fi for all our guests. Log on to Wi-Fi while in the library by selecting the "OWWL" network and clicking "I agree" for the user agreement.
Tech Mondays
One-on-one Technology Appointments are not available at this time. We will do our best to answer your questions over the phone or a video call by appointment.
Copies and Print Outs
Make copies of existing documents or print out from our computer for a small fee of $.20/per page/side for black ink and $.40/per page/side for color ink
Send and receive faxes from our public use multifunction copier. Faxes are $1.00 per page
Scan documents to save to a USB or send it in an email. There is no cost for this service.

STEAM Lab equipment is unavailable for public use at this time. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment to use the laminator, please call us at 315-986-1511
Science! Technology! Engineering! Art! Math!
Thanks to a generous grant from Senator Nozzolio in 2016, the library created a STEAM Lab space for our patrons! This space will be dedicated to offering new and exciting advances in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. Tools available for use include a 3D printer, laminator, sewing machine, and educational toys and technology.